30 05 2023 1523051 ID:
In the conference hall of radio and television;

Tribute to the book "Edab Fanaye Moqarraban; The explanation of the Ziyarat Jamie Kabire" in the conference of the 100th anniversary of the authorship of Mufatih al-Jannan

Esra NEWS Agency: The conference of the 100th anniversary of the authorship of Mufatih al-Janan was held this morning on 9th of Khordad, 1402 in the conference hall of radio and television.


Esra NEWS Agency: The conference of the 100th anniversary of the authorship of Mufatih al-Janan was held this morning on 9th of Khordad, 1402 in the conference hall of radio and television.

This conference was held for the 100th anniversary of the authorship of the precious book of Mufatih al-Jinan and honoring the late Hajj Sheikh Abbas Qomi (RA) and the attention to the development of spirituality and ethics in the declaration of the second step of the Islamic Revolution.

In this conference, from the noble book "Edab Fanai Moqrabban; The explanation of Ziyarat Jamie Kabire" by Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli was also honored.

This work is the explanation of the Ziyarat Jamie Kabire of Imam Hadi (peace be upon him) and it expresses the special characteristics and high positions of the infallible imams, peace be upon them, which is expressed for the pilgrims of those Holy beings. It provides the basis of superior knowledge and expresses the manners of being at the presence of the court of close companions of Allah.

the Ziyarat Jamie Kabire is one of the best Ziyarat, which with its high pillars, looks at the peak of the existence of the Imams (AS) and creates the basis of higher knowledge and more complete mysticism. It also as teaches the right manners of being at the presence of the Infallible Imam(AS) to the pilgrim.

The valuable book "Edab Fanai Moqraban" in 12 volumes is a research with the same goal in the light of the words, speeches and writings of Hazrat Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, who mastered the philosophical, mystical and interpretive foundations accompanied with the love of those sacred treasures of Allah, the fourteen Imam.

This work is an effort to explain and clarify the many, deep and extensive teachings of the Ziyarat Jamie, so the true position of those holy entities is demonstrated and clarified. Also, it can clarify the extent of their influence in all affairs and all realms of existence. This book can be considered as the great encyclopedia of Imamology.

Hazrat Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, just as he chose the approach to the interpretation of the Qur'an by Qur'an, in the interpretation of the Ziyarat Jamie, he also explained the Ziyarat with other Ziyarat and Dua with other Duas; Where there are another similar sentences in other supplications and Ziyarat he mentioned it and used it for interpretention.

This work has been published in twelve volumes by Esra Publishing Center.

This valuable book is available at www.nashresra.ir.


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