21 05 2023 1485298 ID:
Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in theAkhlaq calss:

In every time and place, there is an opportunity to become an honorable figure/ the way to become an angel is open in the decade of "Kiramat".

Esra NEWS Agency: Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, "If we were told that the birthday of Hazrat Fatima Masoumeh until the birthday of the blessed existence of the eighth Imam (peace be upon him) is the decade of "Kiramat" (dignity); in this decade you can become an angel, because dignity is the...

Esra NEWS Agency: Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, in one of his "Akhlaq" classes, referring to the Decade of "Kiramat" (Dignity and honor) and the birth anniversary of Fatimah Masoumeh (peace be upon her) and Hazrat Ali bin Musa al-Reza al-Mortaza (peace be upon him), expressed the characteristics of sincere servants, "the door to become an angel is open for everyone, if they told us that the birth anniversary of Hazrat Fatima Masoumeh until the birth anniversary of the blessed existence of the eighth Imam (peace be upon him) is the decade of dignity and honor; That is because, in this decade you can become an angel, because dignity is the special characteristics of angels."

He spoke about the characteristics of angels from the perspective of the Holy Qur'an, "When the Divine Essence introduces the angels, it says in Surah Mubaraka of the Anbiya: ﴿ بَلْ عِبَادٌ مُّكْرَمُونَ ٭ لاَ یسْبِقُونَهُ بِالْقَوْلِ وَهُم بِأَمْرِهِ یعْمَلُونَ ﴾ Allah considers the angels as Honorable and dignified servants, and he considers this dignity in these two core elements: one they are neither extreme nor excessive. This is an enlightening sentence for describing it ﴿ لاَ یسْبِقُونَهُ بِالْقَوْلِ وَهُم بِأَمْرِهِ یعْمَلُونَ ﴾ This is the full definition of dignity﴿ بَلْ عِبَادٌ مُّكْرَمُونَ ﴾ because ﴿لاَ یسْبِقُونَهُ بِالْقَوْلِ وَهُم بِأَمْرِهِ یعْمَلُونَ ﴾ They should neither advance nor fall behinds, but they are following Allah's order. This is the first principle that Allah, The Holy Essence, introduces the angels as honorable servants in Surah Anbiya."

His Eminence continued, "The second principle is that in "Zeyarat Jamie", the blessed existence of Imam Hadi (peace be upon them all) introduces the Imams of Ahl al-Bayt as "Ibad Mokram" (honorable servants). This is a very important Zeyarat that can be, we recited in every "Haram" of Imams (peace be upon them). We say to the Imams (peace be upon them): "Peace be upon you, O servants of Allah!" These honorable servants are the description of the imams (peace be upon them) in "Zeyarat Jamie" it means they are too ﴿ لاَ یسْبِقُونَهُ بِالْقَوْلِ وَهُم بِأَمْرِهِ یعْمَلُونَ ﴾. They are the Honorable and dignified servant of Allah."

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli acknowledged, "The third principle is that these supplications teach us dignity; It means that one can reach the dignity and the level of angels. Angels have degrees, of course, some are agents of the divine throne, some have a place in the heart of the Prophet (PBUH), and some are the managers of affairs. It is not the case that all angels are the same."

He referred to the belife of man being the caliph of Allah by using the verses and traditions and stated, "The fourth principle is that the Most Holy Essence, Allah, introduced humans as His dignified servants. ﴿ لقد كرّمنا بنی آدم ﴾  If someone was the son of Adam, he was the son of the Caliph of Allah and inherited the Caliphate, he also has a share of dignity. God Almighty says: We have been dignified the children of Adam﴿ because man is not dignified by nature, but when he reached the position of the Caliph of Allah, he became dignified. If Allah introduced human beings, the human society and religious society, as the noble society in the Holy Qur'an, because this human being is the caliph of Allah; first, Allah is dignified by his essence. Second Every caliph must repeat what he is represent. three; apply his words. Fourth; then he will be dignified! If someone does not observe these four and use the benefit of caliph, but speaks his own words, then he worships himself and not Allah."

At the end of his speech, His Holiness addressed the forty days of moral care and purifying the soul and preventing sin in the forbidden months and stated, "In every time and place there is an opportunity to be dignified, but this decade is a blessed decade. A person can practice dignity, especially these four months, which is Dhi Al-Qadah and Dhu-Hijjah and Muharram. these three months are connected, and the month of Rajab, which is a separate month, these are the holy Months. they are the forbidden months. In the forbidden months, the reward for good deeds is doubled, God forbid, the punishment for sin is doubled. You see that the blood money in the forbidden month is more than in other months. That's why the fact that they said, be careful in the forty days of "Kalim[1]" is why there are deep scientific relations between the human heart and the creator of the heart, that dozens answer of problems can be induced in the human heart by Allah. The new word that the prophets have brought is that if someone loses piety, he will also lose the special knowledge that would be descended to heart! if someone loses purity and safety and trust, he will lose some of the knowledge that is given to mankind through heart.


[1] "Arbeen Kalimi" is the forty days that Prophet Moses (P.B.U.H) went to the mountain to worship Allah, so, he is become ready to receive ten commandments.

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