Sunday 02 February 2025 1029880 ID:

If hundreds of revolutionary leaders come back to life, our late Imam would be the leader of all.

Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli: hundreds of leaders of uprising and revolution-whether in the far or near east, in the middle east, or in the far or near west- they come back to life, our late Imam is the leader for all of them.


Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli: hundreds of leaders of uprising and revolution-whether in the far or near east, in the middle east, or in the far or near west- they come back to life, our late Imam is the leader for all of them.

The fortunate decade of Fajr is the reminder of the overthrow and despair of the pharaohs of the time by the hands of the great man of the Islamic homeland. He was supported by the zealous and prosperous people of this land. He, with trust and help from the Almighty Allah, presented his existence sincerely and the blessed tree of the Islamic revolution watered with the blood of the martyrs and its fruit which was the independence and pride of the people of Iran. On this occasion, in this article, we pay attention to the personality of that imam in the statement and words of the wise, Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli in various scientific and practical dimensions.

One of the historical and memorable events in the history of the Islamic Revolution should be considered the anniversary of the glorious arrival of the Imam to our beloved country. He destroyed the iron idols of the age under his feed and became the shelter for the believers and the oppressed of the world.

Hazrat Allameh Javadi Amoli believes:

What the Imam has done was unprecedented in these centuries. The Holy Quran relies on the element of "initiative", as if the intellectual materials are ready, and one person stood up before than others and more than them and got the intellectual and cultural leadership of the nation, others are not equal to him.

When the Holy Quran narrates miraculous deeds, it counts the precedency and taking the lead. Look now, see what the Holy Quran says about the victory of Hijaz. At the beginning of Surah Mubarakah al-Hashr, he says to the Muslims: (هو الّذى أخرجَ الّذين كفروا من أهل الكتاب من ديارهم لأوّل الحشر، ماظَنَنتُم أن يخرُجوا و ظنّوا أنّهم مانعتُهم حُصونُهم من الله). This means, the only power of Hijaz was the powerful and wealthy Jews. You did not think that they would go away, nor did their strong palaces allow them to think about running away, but the unseen power of the Allah, for the first time, drove all the unjustified rulers of the Arabian Peninsula away from the Islamic land and drove them away.

Allah Almighty mentioned three points in this part of the blessed Surah al-Hashr. He said: For the first time, Judaism was defeated by the power of "Islam". That is, it is possible that some people will come in the future and defeat the power of Judaism, but "Islam" did it for the first time. It is possible that other politicians will come and defeat Israel, but for the first time, "we" have won over them and put them to flee: (هو الّذي أخرج الّذين كفروا من أهل الكتاب من ديارهم لاوّل الحشر). Therefore, if others come in the future and do something like this, they learned it from us and if other politicians defeat them, they learned the way to win from us. We are the teachers of triumph and teachers of others' victory; Because it has been done for the first time by Islam.

The second and third point of this Ayeh is: Neither the friends believed that Islam would win, nor the enemies believed that they would be defeated: (ما ظَنَنتُم أنَ يخرُجوا و ظَنّوا أنّهم مانعتُهم حُصونُهم من الله). You, who were friends, did not think that the Quran would win, and on the other side, the powerful Jews did not think, they would run away with all the military and non-military powers. but in the contrary to the calculations of friends and the calculations of enemies, for the first time, we revived Islam in Hijaz.

Therefore, the Holy Quran emphasize on the first victory and initiative of the victory. During these fourteen centuries, we were oppressed and our fate was to be oppressed. So, we believed we should accept the oppression, but this descendant of the Messenger of Allah, Imam Khomeini, for the first time did something that neither friends, nor the enemies. Therefore, if a leader comes later and continues this way and chases away oppressors in other countries, he will be Imam Khomeini's "nation". If the Islamic revolution of Sudan, Egypt, and Algeria succeeds, if the selfless people of Afghanistan and Palestine achieve victory, and if the Muslims in the farthest point of humanity succeed in overcoming the arrogant, both ordinary people and their leaders are part of late Imam's "Nation (Ummah)". The one who, for the first time, changed the equations for friends and enemies, is the winner of the prize of "the Imamate" from the Holy Quran.

Therefore, Allah the Almighty, after unfolding his initiative, for the first time mentions those who are the creators of victory and the pioneers of victory with greatness, and speaks of the Mohajerin as   (و السّابقون الأوّلون من المهاجرين…)  with honor, as In Surah Mubaraka, Hadid made a distinction between the revolutionaries before the revolution and those who joined the revolution after the it starts, saying: لا يستوي منكم مَن أنفَقَ من قبلِ الفتحِ و قاتَلَ، أولئك أعظمُ أجراً من الّذين أنفقوا من بعدُ و قاتَلوا، و كُلاّ وعَدَ اللهُ الحُسني و اللهُ بما تعملون خبيرٌ)

Those of you who spent before the victory and fought, are not equal (to those who did not). They are higher in position than those who spent after (the victory) and fought. To each one God has made the promise of excellence, for God is aware of all you do.

Just as there is a difference between a scholar and a non-scholar:  (هل يستوي الّذين يعلمون والّذين لايعلمون) (Are those who know equal to those who do not know)? and there is a difference between those who are put  and those who are acting:  (فَضّلَ اللهُ المجاهدين علي القاعدين أجراً عظيماً) (Allah shall grant to the strivers above the holders back aámighty reward), there is a big difference between the revolutionaries before the success of revolution and the revolutionaries after the succession of revolution. The table is complete. Therefore, in Surah Mubaraka, Hadid said: Those who during the hard time of Islam not hesitate to sacrifice their lives and wealth are not the same as those who joined the revolution after victory. This difference is not only in being the first; being the first is not such important that Holy Qur'an emphasize on.

If a mosque is open to all worshippers, and the one who was nearer to the mosque came earlier and the one who was further away came to the mosque later, although there is a difference between these two, but it is not a difference that the Holy Quran emphasize on. This being pioneered is not the criteria for honor.

Being pioneer is the criterion for greatness when someone is discerning and has courage, one who understands and accepts the truth earlier than others. The fact that in all arguments, we talk about Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) being the first man to accept Islam and he himself, the most eloquent(peace be upon him) says, "when I converted to Islam, you were still unbelievers", or the Holy Prophet says in praise of Ali (peace be upon them): "Indeed Ali is the greatest of Muslims after me, and the first one to accept Islam", or the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) proud of: "Ali is the first on to accept Islam", or certain companions say: "Ali is the first one to accept Islam"; That is, because when others has doubt for accepting Islam, Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him)was sure of that. Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) was a Muslim at a time when Islam required sacrifice of wealth and life. Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) was a Muslim on the day when talking about Islam maid trouble. On that day when it was common to sit beside the fattening table of disbelief and hypocrisy, Hazrat Ali (peace be upon him) was a Muslim. Therefore, the sentence «علىٌّ أقدمهم اسلماً» was a saying in the arguments of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them).

So, if hundreds of revolution leaders whether in the far east or near east, in the middle east, or in the far or near west come to life, our departed imam (Quds Sarrah) is the leader of all of them. Because if someone does something that revives both the idea of being an "Ummah" in the minds of people and the idea of being an "Imam" in the minds of leaders, he is like the best example of (و السّابقون الاوّلون) and the late Imam (Qudesa-Seruh) was the first person to achieve this high position in recent centuries«طوبي له و حُسنُ مَآبٍ».

Source: the book of "Bunyan Marsoos" by Ayatollah Javadi Amoli, 232


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