Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli's message to the "Hundred Years Presence of the Sun" exhibition

28 05 2022 631274 شناسه:

Isra's information website: The "100-year presence of the sun" exhibition was held on Saturday, June 7th at 17:30 with a video message from Grand Ayatollah Javadi Amoli at Ghadir Conference Hall in Qom, located at Shahada Crossroads.
The full text of His Holiness' message is as follows:

In the name of God

Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds, and may God's prayers and peace be upon all the prophets, the messengers, the Imams, the guidance of the al-Mahdieen, and Fatima al-Zahra, the mistress of the women of the worlds, do not take charge of me, and I, their enemies, may not be absolved to God."
First of all, we honor the noble scholars, the elite and the educated. The focus of the discussion in this important scientific gathering is the explanation of the scientific and practical programs of Imam Rahel (Quds Sar). A century ago, this godly man entered the Qom seminary at the same time as the establishment of the seminary with the blessing of the blessed presence of Grand Ayatollah Haeri (may God bless him and grant him peace). This hawsah has a history of one generation, although before this it was a hawsah in Qom and elders rose from here.
The secret is that the late Imam (may God bless him and grant him peace) flourished in this one century and did the work of many centuries in this one century, because each of his expressions "went a hundred years in one night" [1] and each of his pens was "one verse". It was from this ode to one hundred treatises"; [2] A work that had not been done in more than ten centuries was done by this great divine man, the secret is this. Some have hands and feet, eyes and ears and do not use them; Some get scientific benefits, but they don't get practical benefits; Some of them get practical benefits, but they are deprived of scientific grace. Those who benefit from scientific grace are sometimes one-dimensional, they are comprehensive in one or two or three fields; Some of them are comprehensive and have combined reasonable and tangible, but they have not combined reasonable, movable and evident; The one that is comprehensive between reasonable, tangible and evident is also sometimes weakly aggregated, that is, it is aggregated, but in the manner of an aggregated aggregate, not a healthy aggregate! The one who made a complete and accurate combination between reason, narration, and intuition is known as having a healthy combination.
The Imam of the Ummah (may God bless him and grant him peace) made a sound combination between the reasonable and the tangible and the evident, between knowledge and action, and between thought and motivation. What you understand, you understand correctly; what he did, he acted correctly; Neither his knowledge was isolated from practice nor his practice from science. It was a healthy combination between science and practice, it was a healthy combination between reason, narration and intuition, it was a healthy combination between politics and tact, management and jurisprudence, therefore - by the grace of God - there is a defect in scientific programs and in the program The practical actions of this great divine man were not seen.
His secret is that he was a student of Ibrahim Khalil. Ibrahim Khalil (Ali Nabina and his family and peace be upon him) was introduced by the Holy Quran as the owner of the heart, the owner of the hands and the owner of the eyes; He said, this is my Khalil, your father, you are the children of this Khalil, you can have hands, you can have eyes, you can have hearts. If someone has that heart, he will have a heart, if someone has that hand, he will have a hand, if someone has that eye, he will have an eye. If God called Khalil Haq our father, Imam Rahal became Khalil Haq's true son.
God praises Ibrahim Khalil and some of the Abrahamic prophets with the description that they are Oli al-Aydi wa Al-Absar[3]; Just as these are ﴿ulwa al-al-bab[4], meaning they have hearts, these have hands, these have

eyes. He who takes an ax and smashes idols has a hand, he who takes a knife to sacrifice his child has a hand, his son who is ready to be sacrificed has a heart; He owns a heart that does not tremble, he owns an eye that does not tremble, he owns a hand that does not tremble; He said: ﴿Awli al-Aydi and al-Absar. They are in the parts of the heart, they are in the scientific parts, they are in the intuition part, they are in the reasoning part, and they are in the action part. have.

The one who does not tremble and in his tact, no doubts find their way into him, like Imam Rahel, he becomes a good-hearted person, he has a heart, and the one who takes the pen in his hand, after bitter events, declares He gives and commands, he has hands and the one who looks at this scene and examines it precisely has eyes. That he said that the Abrahamic prophets are involved means that they are the people of the ax in the fight against the idols, they are the people of the pen in the fight against the idols; Imam Rahal (may God be pleased with him) was one of the examples of Khalil Haq's students and children who said:
He said about a soulless idol: ﴿ لهمْ أرْجلٌ يمشون بها امْ لهمْ ایْدٍ يَبتیشون بها﴾[5], this is an idol, the one who has no hands to do anything, no legs to go anywhere, a solid idol is closed; But Imam Rahel wrote in every field that was necessary, both in scientific matters and shouted in practical matters. God praised both that heart and this eye and this hand and said to us: You have hands like your father, you have eyes like your father. We gave heart to your father, who is Ibrahim Khalil, he was a person of intuition: ﴿Kazlikka Noori İbrahim, the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth﴾;
Remember, just as there is a difference between seeing and looking in Persian, there is also a difference between seeing and seeing in Arabic. He said, he saw, look, but see. In Surah "A'raf" and in Surah "An'am" there are these two statements; In one place, he said about Khalil Haq: ﴿And such is the light of Abraham, the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, which is vision, he said about us: ﴿And they did not look at the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; [8] Why the heavens? You look, why do you look at the earth, why don't you look at the creator of heaven, why don't you look at the creator of the earth, why don't you look at the kingdom of heaven. Becoming an astronomer is not a difficult task, it is not a difficult task to become a Hiwi, it is important to see the kingdom of the world; He said why don't you think about the kingdom.
He was a visionary, you are a visionary; This opinion is the introduction of vision; Be a child of Khalil Haq, comment in the kingdom, but see.

Every step that Imam Rahal took, "one verse of this ode was like a hundred treatises", every step that he took, "this child will live a hundred years in one night", and we hope that he will be with the righteous and the righteous, and that he will be with the prophets of God!
We say in our prayers: "Wa al-Haqna with the righteous" [9] but our Amir Ali bin Abi Talib (may God's prayers and peace be upon him) said if you want your prayer that you said "Wa al-Haqna with the righteous" to be answered, "shorten it." Tal Haqwa” [10]; Lighten up to join the righteous.
We hope that God Almighty will bless the pure soul of Imam Rahal and all martyrs, scholars, peacemakers and righteous people with divine prophets! May our supreme leader, our system, our officials and our people be subject to the special care of the guardian of the evening (sacrificing souls) and connect this divine system to the emergence of Hazrat Khatami Imamat!
Forgive God to us and lakm and peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings"

Reference: Divan Hafez, Ghazal 225.
Divan Hafez, Ghazal 214.
Surah S, verse 45.
Surah Baqarah, verse 269; Surah Al-Imran, verse 7; Surah Ra'd, verse 19.
Surah A'raf, verse 195.
Surah Hajj, verse 78.
Surah An'am, verse 75.
Surah A'raf, verse 185.
Al-Droo al-Waqiyyah, p. 114.
Nahj al-Balagha, sermon 167.


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