21 08 2016 427449 شناسه:

Eid Ghadir prayer

Please give your honest opinion about the permissibility or non-permissibility of the congregation in the Eid al-Ghadir prayer.


Please give your honest opinion about the permissibility or non-permissibility of the congregation in the Eid al-Ghadir prayer.

1. The day of Ghadeer Khum is one of the great Islamic holidays and has a special prayer, but it is similar to the day of Mubaat, which is one of the great religious holidays and has a special prayer, but it is not performed in congregation.

2. There is no reliable narration on the prescription of Jamaat, and the evidence of tolerance in the traditions does not prove its superiority.

3. Some of the great jurists of the Jama'at did not consider it as Raja, not with the intention of entering, but the first is to leave the Jama'at. 3/16/88

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