In the village of Fard Khairy, he dedicated a land of 600 meters to a mosque and died after the dedication. The waqf land is located exactly next to a house at a distance of 2.5 meters, and if a mosque is built, it will disturb the neighbors. On the other hand, in front of Hosseiniye village, there is a few meters of garden and land with an area of 3500 meters. The reason for the distance between the land of the mosque and Hosseiniyeh, the villagers planned to sell the said endowment land and buy a 600-meter garden in front of Hosseiniyeh and dedicate it to the mosque. Is it possible to change the waqf land with the land of another place - of course, it should be done in the name of the waqf? In addition, it is mentioned in the garden that a mosque, cemetery, telecommunication, health center and public places should be built?
The endowment must be followed. It is permissible to replace and transform it only if it is harmful to maintain the status quo; or converting it to the expediency of endowment; However, its consumption is reserved and any expedient seizure of it must be done with the opinion of the Sharia trustee and the trustee, and in case there is no Sharia trustee, it should be referred to the Ruler of Sharia, so in this matter, the leadership representative in the province should be referred.